Home Special Note Panamanian Humpback Whales are Back in Panama

Panamanian Humpback Whales are Back in Panama

Panama is one of only two places in the world where whales arrive from both poles (North and South) and those that come from the South are the only ones in the world that dare to cross the equator. Between July and October of each year the country receives the visit of its largest citizens.
Humpbacks are the mammals on earth that travel the most each year, their frequent traveling miles are through the roof. To get to our coasts they travel a little more than 16 thousand kilometers each year, The journey begins south, in the frozen waters of Chile where they eat for several months to save the necessary energy (in the form of fat), for their extensive journey after almost 3 months they come to our shores looking for the warm waters as a safe place to mate and others to give birth to their young whales.

After almost a year of staying in his mother’s womb, they are born near our tropical coasts, weighing approximately one ton and almost 5 meters long, the mother must hold him afloat until the young whale swims on its own. Those who are born in our coasts are proudly Panamanians and they return to their homeland the following years to carry out the same activity as their parents.

You can combine the whale watching activity with a day at the beach in one of the many paradise islands that we have. The main sighting points in Panama are Taboga, Contadora, the Azuero coasts, mainly in Pedasí. They love jumping around Isla Iguana, Golfo de Montijo very close to Isla Cebaco and Gobernadora, their favorite place in the Coiba National Park and closing with a clasp of gold at Gulf of Chiriquí.
To ensure that whales continue to enter Panamanian waters to give birth to their young, we need to be responsible and protect them, we must all be vigilant and follow the recommendations of the authorities.

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