Home Special Guest It’s Essential to Develop the First Religious Course at Casco Antiguo. ...

It’s Essential to Develop the First Religious Course at Casco Antiguo. Ricardo Gago Salinero

Our special guest is a humble person with a friendly character. Son of a Spanish father and mother who instilled love for Panama. Ricardo Gago Salinero is a member of the Rotary Club, an entrepreneur with an impeccable reputation that since 1997 is in charge Hermanos Gago, S.A. am Importing and exporting family business that stands out in the Panamanian economy. Nowadays, he is the president of Casco Antiguo Churches Friends (CAICA) Committee, a “ad honorem” position that he takes with a lot of passion, and has led him to carry out with his team the biggest renovation process of the six churches in that historical area of Panamá City. An expert in religious tourism and a believer of the great potential that this item has for the economy of our country.

Infrastructure in Development
For Ricardo Gago, the country has taken time to restore the churches. He believes that the history of the country is in each of these places and the committee has done a tireless work to rescue it. It offers as an example the fact that the first places that people visit when they go on vacation are temples and churches. However, it proposes that the tourist be charged as it is done in other countries, since thousands arrive and that contribution can be taken for the necessary maintenance and renovations. He goes on to say “at least it was possible to keep churches at Old Town open so that tourists can see their beauty and history.”

Religious Circuits, a Tourist Need
“The will is the most important element when carrying out such important projects for society and its economy,” Ricardo Gago tells. For him, it is a necessity that the first religious course be developed and start as soon as possible throughout the Churches at Old Town first and then expanded into the interior of the country. Ricardo says “maybe the first religious circuit will not be the best in the world, but it is essential to start”. It highlights that Panama can already have one if wants to undertake that task.

World Youth Day 2019 and its Impact on Religious Tourism
The businessman and philanthropist thinks that last year’s world event held in Panama helped generate interest in developing religious tourism, it gave a great boost. He feels that interest has remained even after more than a year since that world meeting. “The WYD has made transformations in the country, Investment in all the churches continues and this helps the economy as paint, tools, products and labor are acquired,” says Ricardo Gago.

What is Required to Succeed?
“It is important to have the support of the Government,” says Ricardo Gago. For him it is very important that tourists can park and have easy access to the area. Another point that always emphasizes is that the Churches remain open since these are the city icons that both Panamanian and foreign tourists visit, added to being attended by people who can tell its history. He emphasizes that if churches are not open little value can generate to the city and its people.

Potential for Internal Tourism
For Ricardo Gago who has traveled to more than 90 parishes of the Archdiocese of Panama and has been able to see the large number of people who attend, he says “it is clear that the majority in Panama practices in some measure the Catholic religion, it is undoubtedly the country’s largest, however, all religions in the country have great potential to create their own religious course. ”
Positive Social Impact
“Religious courses, besides from being an economic engine, always promote in the community the rich history of the country, human values and especially the Faith they profess,” says Ricardo. Important elements that generate development at all levels of society.

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