Home Health Tourism Painting During a Trip is Investing in Benefits for the Mental and...

Painting During a Trip is Investing in Benefits for the Mental and Physical Health of Each Visitor

The world has unique corners that deserve to be lived, breathed and felt. When traveling, most take photos and take some memories of that place they always wanted to visit, however, but do not finish merging with the place.

Paint While Traveling

To create that special bond with a fascinating destination such as the District of Las Tablas in Los Santos Province, many Visitors  paint to turn the trip into a unique experience full of incomparable sensations.

By painting you are not only immortalizing a place, you are participating in its life. During the time that the work is painted, many everyday situations occur that help to understand the traditions and lifestyle of the destination. It is interacting with the people, sounds and aromas of the environment while capturing a little piece of destiny.

Benefits of Painting

People who spend their free time painting either where they live or when they travel (or both) should know that this artistic activity has great health benefits.

Improve Abilities to Communicate

Through painting you can express a number of emotions and feelings that are often not so easy to communicate verbally. In other words, painting an image offers the opportunity to bring out everything you have inside and to show how you really see the world. In fact, artistic activities are very useful for people with communication deficits precisely for this reason.

A Gym for the Brain

Just as the body is exercised and the muscles get in shape, the same happens when painting, since this activity makes the left hemisphere of the brain work and improve its abilities. That means that painting more increases logical reasoning and concentration, among other things.

Maintains or Improves Mental Health

Painting is concentrating to the max, it is leaving out negative thoughts and worries that haunt you throughout the day. Concentrating on a blank canvas will put all those thoughts aside, favoring a better state of mind. That is why psychological therapies with artistic activities are becoming more common, especially in children, but also in adults, since painting reduces depression and anxiety.

Improves Fine Motor

Did you know that painting progressively improves fine motor skills? In other words, every time you pick up a brush, pencil or paint, you will be doing it with more skill than the previous one. In the case of children, painting is especially important for the development of this type of motor skills, and in adults it helps to maintain it.

Painting when Visiting Las Tablas and Surroundings

In the Las Tablas area, local and foreign visitors can take advantage of the benefits of painting while sightseeing. Finca Pamel offers a Pre-Columbian painting workshop where people can take advantage of a day to paint, meet people from the area, as well as other tourists who are looking for the same benefits.

The workshop is made for children as well as for adults, and is used to take a historical tour of the ancient settlements of the disappeared indigenous ethnic group called Cubita. The objective is to capture the memories of the tour with the same style of the indigenous people in acrylic as real as possible. Older people take these workshops as a way to break the rhythm of the trip and give their body and mind a day of rest. The workshops cost of $10.00. For more information you can call +507-6991-5111.

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