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Kevin Moreno: “Generational change allows unions to grow and strengthen themselves to attain the achievement of objectives”

In every industry, the exchange of ideas and joint efforts between the protagonists is essential to achieve adequate progress and development. The tourism industry is one that brings together a large number of participants, to whom they are directly linked, as well as other industries that directly and indirectly provide elements that help a tourist destination develop.

These organizations and unions require people who carry out sustained work over time under a clear focus and ideas that nurture and move tourism development forward. Knowing the thinking of people who are involved in these groups allows us to discover what is required to achieve the planned objectives. For this article we interviewed Kevin Moreno, born in la Villa de Los Santos, who lived her childhood and adolescence in Azuero. Although she never forgot her roots, she left Los Santos Province and graduated as a Lawyer from Santa Maria La Antigua University, even obtained a Doctorate in Law from the National University of Rosario in Argentina. The daughter of entrepreneurial parents, she is trained in community development by the Israel Agency for International Cooperation and becomes a tourism entrepreneur, as well as co-founder of the Chamber of Tourism of Los Santos Province. Today, Kevin Moreno runs her own tourism business in Azuero and speaks to The Visitor- El Visitante about her thoughts about the work of organizations in the tourism sector.

What were the reasons for you to get involved in the unions and associations and how important was it?

“My mother, whom I consider a woman who is very committed to progress, founded a hotel and when it was my turn to take over the management, one of my first steps was to enter the Vigilantes Hotels security program. This led to the exchange of experiences with colleagues of the sector. Knowing that I was not alone filled me with strength and I was motivated by the promise to organize ourselves and work to improve our context. During this tour I met Martha Martinez de Kimmell and Nelson Cedeño (both tourism entrepreneurs in the region) and together, with Martha as president, we founded the Chamber of Tourism of Los Santos, thus constituting a formal instrument to work for the good and the defense of the common interests of the sector.”

Why is it important to give space to the new generations so that they can also make decisions within the unions and associations?

“By formally constituting this instrument, as is the Provincial Chamber, we have taken a step that will always need renewal, the relay is what will make it grow and strengthen, as well as fill with new energy and new ideas to achieve the achievement of real objectives in the progress of the tourist activity.

There is still a lot of work to be done, we have achieved some spaces, we must continue to break barriers, so that the interior is truly taken into account, ensure that the interior is represented by people from the interior, people who know the shortcomings of their communities, with authentic interests in the place and in its population, because we, the inhabitants of these areas, are the ones affected by the lack of implementation of effective public policies.”

What potential do you see for Los Santos within the tourism field?

“The problem with the word potential is that it embodies a possibility for the future, and we live in the present, in turn the word gives us hope, which is positive…I could tell you that the Province of Los Santos has countless of fortresses, it is surrounded by beaches, mangroves, an exotic fauna, shelter of culture, towns full of joyful people and traditions that are worth learning from. However, a few months ago I saw on the page of the General Directorate of Revenue that we are the second province with the lowest economic contribution to the State, it could change of there is infrastructure investment in the area that would create employment, etc., and it is not only getting simply social welfare and the good will of some politician, part of what has been happening to us I attribute to the fact that human talent flees from Los Santos, which is our best resource, they leave to other areas to seek a better quality of life. If the public policies for this province are well designed, why Santeños would continue to emigrate with such force to seek opportunities abroad? More than potential, I see in tourism an ingenious way to create opportunities in the face of a harsh reality, we must continue the fight for the implementation of effective policies.”

Photos courtesy: Kevin Moreno

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