Home Health Tourism Vitamin Sea, the Best Medical Prescription to Promote Good Health

Vitamin Sea, the Best Medical Prescription to Promote Good Health

Long before people went to the beach to get a tan and sunbathe, doctors already believed in the healing properties of the ocean to increase blood circulation, and in the 18th century prescribed trips to the seashore or visits the so-called at that time bath hospitals, special clinics that offered treatments using sea water.

Improves Mental Health

Going to the beach has always been very present in medicine and many health professionals recommend it to achieve health and well-being. Recent scientific studies indicate that it improves mental and physical health by reducing stress. It seems that more blue spaces people see in their daily lives, the less distress and anxiety they experience. Both the sun and the waves combined work to completely relax the body, it gets rid of its pains and soothes daily stress. Not only is serotonin released almost immediately when you hit the beach, but the sound and sight of the ocean is soothing.

Helps to sleep better

Another scientifically proven benefit is that after a few hours on the beach you sleep better. For insomniacs looking for a natural remedy, the beach is perfect as it helps alleviate three key factors that inhibit sleep: high levels of stress and anxiety, lack of physical fatigue, and hormonal imbalances.

Improves Breathing

When you get to the beach you breathe easier, an automatic response to the quality of the air, scientists explain. People with asthma or breathing difficulties find it much easier to breathe when they are on the beach than anywhere else. This is because the chest muscles that surround the lungs not only relax when a person steps onto the beach, but the air itself is loaded with negative ions that increase oxygen uptake, and can also help balance serotonin levels, impacting positively on stress levels.

Permanent Source of Vitamin D

Absorbing the daily amount of vitamin D that the body needs is often difficult through food intake. Spending just ten minutes outside on the beach can allow a person to absorb their daily dose of vitamin D directly through the skin.

Fight Infections

When you have an open wound and it is exposed to salt water it causes pain, a sign that the water cleanses and disinfects it, as it has unique antibacterial and antifungal properties that are excellent for external infections.

The iodine in seawater is a fantastic immune system booster that is highly antiseptic and is used in hospitals and surgeries on a regular basis as well as helping to improve the function of the thyroid gland and also of the immune system.

Promotes Beauty

As for the health and beauty of the skin, the sun and sea water have a very positive effect. The latter can help some conditions such as dermatitis, an allergic rash, while the sun, in moderate amounts, improves some dermatological problems such as chronic psoriasis. Experts defend the exfoliating work of the sand, as well as the detoxifying and antibacterial nature of the water. Once the sun opens your pores, the salt water can enter and draw out toxins, removing blemishes, uneven skin, or excess oil.

Reduces Inflammation and Pain

Another advantage of the sea is the reduction of inflammation and pain through water aerobics, which is the easiest activity for the elderly and people with joint pain, arthritis or who have recently undergone surgery. This is because water offers great resistance without any impact and actually reduces the weight of a person submerged in water by about ninety percent.

The beach offers endless opportunities for exercise. Walking, swimming, surfing, playing with paddles or rackets or even building sand castles with the children, there is never a shortage of activities to enjoy. For this reason, all Visitors are recommended to take a dip in one of Panama’s beaches Esther on the Pacific or the Atlantic coast.

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