Home Flavors Your Next Destination… Tochichos, Edible Art and Decorations

Your Next Destination… Tochichos, Edible Art and Decorations

Although he was born with the gift for drawing, for a long time he did not know how to take advantage of that talent.
Angel Sanchez its owner and native fron Cocle, has a bachelor’s degree in banking and finance
After an inner personal search, without ceasing to ask God and with the support of his wife Enida, they began to make decorations, arrangements and figures with balloons. However, he knew that they could do things that did not exist or were little known in Panama.

A New Stage
With the unconditional support of his wife, his sister who is in charge of the advertising and his son who is delighted in every arrangement they make, Tochichos “Edible Art and Decorations” was born, an entrepreneurial business dedicated to making fruit arrangements with hand-carved designs, and sculptures with fruits and vegetables.

Customized Services for the Client

Tochichos work consists of hand carving all kinds of designs such as letters, logos, portraits, famous people, objects, comic characters and much more. A work that requires a lot of patience and dedication, since each arrangement takes three to five hours to make, depending on the type of design that the client requests.
An important detail that this talented entrepreneur comments is that in order to carry out an excellent quality carving, the fruits have to be carefully selected and comply with some parameters, for example the watermelon cannot have bumps, scratches, it has to be shiny and the color should be a deep green, the same is with strawberries and other fruits. He goes on to explain that the designs are generally made on watermelon although they also make sculptures with melon, squash, carrot, apples, banana, radishes, among others.
Although the carving has a natural finish; some clients request color on the carving of the watermelon rind, in these cases they use edible paint and non-toxic children’s paint certified by ASTM-D-4236.

Service for Panama City

The service that Tochichos offers is exclusively for Panama City. Soon they will begin to offer a portfolio of options aimed for businesses and event organizers who wish to place centerpieces and trays with carved logos of all kinds.

Social Networks and Contact
Instagram: @ Tochichos507
Facebook: Tochichos Carving
Whattsapp: 6160-3342 (orders and price inquiries).

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