Home Flavors The New Gastronomic Wave: “Food Trucks”

The New Gastronomic Wave: “Food Trucks”

In a country like Panama, with such a wide diversity in gastronomy, putting new trends into practice generates more wealth and new experiences for everyone. For some years, a new Wave has been implemented by many entrepreneurs in the experience of eating called “Food Trucks”.
In these Food Trucks that today can be found in various parts of Panama City and are spaces dedicated to urban food, but with the best of the new global and Panamanian gastronomic trends. This combination has created an innovative experience for both Panamanians and foreign visitors. The offer is varied and different as you visit the different ” parkings” of “Food Trucks” throughout the city. From hamburgers to Afro-Panamanian food, the secret of chefs is to use gourmet recipes that can be prepared quickly and served it to the public at affordable prices.

Several owners of “Food Truck” say that the best way to keep this new business alive and innovative is to maintain the quality of its products and also emphasizing the versatility of this gastronomic trend. Unlike a normal restaurant, the infrastructure It is easier to change and even move it to new areas without making such a large investment.
In Panama there are different types of Food Trucks, the first is the original concept brought from other countries, where food is prepared in the same trailer where food is served to diners with a menu of their own. The second type are “Trailers” that meet in a parking lot and offer a gastronomic offer, but without creating and making all the food there. The third type is the restaurant that, besides from its gastronomic offer, has a “Food Truck” on the outside as a more casual offer for the Visitors. Of course, unlike the “Food Trucks” of the United States that are the model in which they have been inspired, in Panama they cannot put themselves in the street, they need to be in their own space to offer adequate facilities to the diners and comply with health and cleaning standards.

The gastronomic offer of the main “Food Trucks” includes cod turrets, “saus”, cod burgers with coconut bread, as well as grilled foods, fish and even Californian food. ”Even more variety can be found in the general offer The sure thing is that each person will find what they like.

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