Master Jorge Ledezma Bradley: “Music is the more powerful tool to develop personality, emotional...

In Panama, music runs through the veins of the people, regardless of their origin or social class. Panamanian history is interrelated with people from many parts...

Ovidio Diaz: “Good Execution of the law that has been modified, will generate...

In the country there are more than 30,000 hotel rooms; however, 20,000 are in Capital City, but 80% of Panama's tourist attractions are in the interior,...

“Tourism will Have to Reinvent Itself to Move Forward”. Horacio Estribi

Tourism will Have to Reinvent Itself to Move Forward Horacio Estribi The country's economy is experiencing a "shock" with the mobility restrictions that have...

Michael Chen: Colon is the Best Designed City in Central America and has...

He arrived at Colon Chamber of Commerce at only 22 years, to dynamize it. After 12 years as an active member, he runs for president of...

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