Adolfo Fabrega: “We must be more effective in developing technological applications that show tourists...

Tourism is recognized every day as a vital productive sector for the social, cultural and economic development of Panama. Although there are still no...

Liriola Pitty: “Panama needs one consolidated image with our national identity to promote...

Our special guest for this new edition is a leader with a results-oriented strategic vision, with experience at the highest levels of private and...

Zurab Pololikashvili: “Panama has to develop an authentic tourism, where Visitors can meet...

Our guest is a character of great importance in tourism worldwide, especially in times where we are working for the recovery of the industry under a...

Idania Dowman: “We must support and offer opportunities to artists and musicians to...

Our Special Guest is a prodigious Panamanian singer and songwriter, baptized as "The Lady of Jazz" by the famous Panamanian singer-songwriter Danilo Perez. Coming from a...

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