Pedasi and Chiriqui, Start Working on the Biosafety of their Destinations

The tourism sector will be able to start operations when the economic reactivation of Block 3 (Travel Agencies) and Block 4 (Hotels and Restaurants)...

Rural Tourism, the First Sector that will Start Receiving Visitors

In times where the future is not so clear as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic around the world, the national and international tourism...

Guna Yala, a World Class Paradise

San Blas, is an archipelago made up of 365 islands, located in the Panamanian Caribbean. In this region the indigenous people from Guna origin...

El Valle, a Tourist Destination Created by an Extinct Volcano

Three million years ago, a Volcano exploded and became extinct to give way to the birth of a place full of greenery, natural life...

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