Home Our Land Punta Chame, the Windsurfing Capital of Panama Visited by Tourists from All...

Punta Chame, the Windsurfing Capital of Panama Visited by Tourists from All Over the World

Punta Chame is a long, narrow peninsula with an ocean on both sides and endless white-sand beaches. In addition to the beautiful landscapes, it offers privacy, since it is still a natural paradise that is gradually growing in visits, even on weekends it offers excellent privacy for those seeking tranquility and beaches with few people.

North Beach and South Beach

The northern beach faces Chame Bay, here the sea is calm with almost no waves, very convenient for swimming or bathing. Also, there is a sector people from all over the world practice water sports such as windsurfing and kiteboarding. There is also a spectacular view of Cerro Chame and Campana, as well as Taborcillo Island. Boats set sail from this beach to visit the tourist complex in honor of the famous Western movie actor John Wayne, which is located on this private island.

The southern beach faces the open sea to the Gulf of Panama, in this sector is the roughest sea with the biggest waves. The beach has very white sand and stretches for miles to the west. Ideal for those who like to take long walks. From the beach you can see the island of Otoque, from where it is possible to see humpback whales between the months of July and October.

Fisher’s Town

Punta Chame town is a typical fishing village, with approximately 400 inhabitants. In the village there is a hotel where there is a restaurant, a bar and a swimming pool. But if you want to try the typical food of the area, it is recommended to visit the restaurant in the town near the detour with a sign that says Isla Taborcillo, where they offer various seafood dishes and delicious ceviche.

Windsurfing Capital

Most of the people who visit Punta Chame have the goal of practicing windsurfing. The area receives regular gusts of strong wind, making it a prime location for this sport. Athletes from all over the world, as well as tourists of all ages and skill levels, take to the rough waters during windsurfing season, which runs from mid-November to late April. Also, those who wish to learn or improve their techniques in Windsurfing, Punta Chame is where you can find places where it is taught.

How to Get There?

Punta Chame is located 100 km (2 hours) from Panama City. To get there, it is necessary to go along the Pan-American highway, go through La Chorrera, Capira until you reach the town of Bejuco (Km 72 from Panama City). Right at the entrance of the town there is a detour to the left that leads to Punta Chame. The distance from the Pan-American highway to Punta Chame is 28 kilometers.

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