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China, the New World Tourism Giant


When we talk about tourists, historically we talk about tourists from English or French speaking countries. However, there is a wave of tourists from China that has been gaining strength and it is important that Panama can capitalize on the benefits of this new movement. For this reason, it is important to know who these new travelers are, what they like and what actions must be taken in order for them to come and enjoy their stay.

当我们谈论游客时,历来大家想到的是讲英语或法语国家的游客。 然而,一团来自中国的游客浪潮正向巴拿马来袭,巴拿马要好好把握,利用这一股新浪潮达到最大的好处。因此,了解和明白游客的需求是非常重要的,要知道游客是谁,他们喜欢什么,以及要如何吸引他们的到来和如何让他们享受美好的旅游时光。

A High End Tourist


Last year 220 million Chinese tourists travel outside its borders. The majority comes from the growing upper-middle class, has an average age of 34 years and generally prepares their trip through a local tourism agency. Another characteristic is that they travels in group, unlike the western one that frequently travels alone or with their spouse. But, recent statistics indicate that traveling as a couple and individuals have been gaining strength. The travel expenses, which this year will amount to 264,000 million dollars, approximately $ 4,000 dollars per tourist on each trip. There is an interesting detail and it is that a large percentage of their expenses is focused on shopping, above others such as transport, accommodation and gastronomy. An excellent news for Panama City that offers a great variety of shopping centers and brands for all tastes.

去年,有2.2亿中国游客出国旅游。他们大多数来自中上级阶层,平均年龄为34岁。他们通常会通过当地旅游机构或旅行社计划行程。另外,和西方人喜欢独自旅行或夫妇两人旅游不同,中国人喜欢群体旅游。但根据最近的统计数据表明, 独自或夫妇两人出游的中国游客人数在一直增长。就今年的旅行费用竟高达$264亿美元。在这里我们发现一个有趣的细节,中国游客们的大部分费用都集中在购物上,而不在其他方面,像交通,住宿和美食等。这对巴拿马来说是一个好消息,因为这里提供各种各样的品牌和购物中心。

Quality Service Above All


One of the characteristics that should be taken into consideration is that Chinese tourist does not travel very often. This means that all efforts must be directed to assure them an experience that exceeds their expectations, one that leaves a memorable experience. It is also important to ensure digital connectivity, as they like to share most of their experiences on social networks.

Another feature is that the Chinese tourist is very interested in knowing the cultural heritage of each country. They like to visit museums, art galleries and historical sites. Cultural destinations such as Panama Viejo, Casco Viejo, Panama Canal, The National Theater, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Transistmic Railroad and historical ruins such as Fort San Lorenzo, are of great attraction to them. Likewise, being a high-profile human group, they look for more exclusive experiences where they are served in their language (Mandarin Chinese) and according to their lifestyle.

我们必须考虑到一个因素,中国游客不经常旅行。 这意味着我们要付出加倍的努力,以确保游客能享受到超出他们期望的旅游体验,留下难忘的经历和回忆。 同样的,数字化连通服务也很重要,游客们喜欢在社交网络中分享他们的许多旅游经验。

Otra característica es que el turista Chino se interesa mucho en conocer el patrimonio cultural de cada país.  Les gusta visitar museos, galerías de arte y sitios históricos. Destinos culturales como Panamá Viejo , Casco Viejo, Canal de Panamá, El Teatro Nacional, el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, el Ferrocarril Transístmico y ruinas históricas  como el Fuerte San Lorenzo, son de gran atractivo para ellos. Igualmente, al ser un grupo humano de perfil económico alto, buscan experiencias más exclusivas donde sean atendidos en su idioma (el Chino Mandarín) y según su estilo de vida.

另外,中国游客对了解每个国家的文化遗产非常感兴趣。 他们喜欢参观博物馆,艺术画廊和历史遗迹。 巴拿马老城、旧城区、巴拿马运河、国家剧院、当代艺术博物馆、Ferrocarril Transístmico铁路和San Lorenzo等历史遗迹等文化目的地对他们来说极具吸引力。 同样,作为一个上级阶层群体,他们更多的是寻求专属体验。因此,学会他们的语言(普通话)和他们的生活方式照顾他们非常重要。

New Opportunities for Panama


Tourism from China can become one of the most important engines for economic development in the country. The majority of Chinese tourists who come to Panama today come for business, although the number has increased by 40% between 2017 and 2018. However, new flights from Beijing, our rich history with this great Asian country and the association with other countries in the region, will help bring this new Chinese tourist who is looking for a closer experience with the rest of the world.

中国的旅游业可以成为巴国经济发展的重要引擎之一。 今天,大多数来到巴拿马的中国游客都是出差,尽管这个数字在2017年到2018年之间增加了40%。然而,由于开设从北京出发的新航班,这将是我们和亚洲国家还有地区其他国家联系的重要桥梁, 帮助新中国游客寻求与世界各地来一场更亲密体验的旅行。

The Visitor / The Visitor newspaper opens its pages to all Chinese Visitors who wish to know the cultural and natural treasures that make our country unique in the world. You are invited to live the Visitor experience.

The Visitor报纸向所有希望了解使我们的国家中国游客表示欢迎,认识在世界上有独一无二文化和自然宝藏的国家。 诚意邀请大家来体验。

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