Panama is one of only two places in the world where whales arrive from both poles (North and South) and those that come from the South are the only ones in the world that dare to cross the equator. Between the months of July and October of each year the country receives more than 2,000 of the biggest citizens on earth.
A Long Journey of 16,000 Kilometers to Panama
Humpback whales are the mammals on earth that travel the most each year, their frequent flyer miles are the highest in the world. To reach the Panamanian coasts they travel a little more than 16 thousand kilometers each year. The journey begins far south, in the icy waters of Chile where they eat for several months to save the necessary energy (in the form of fat), for their extensive life. trip, after almost 3 months they arrive at our coasts looking for the warm waters as a safe place for two purposes: to mate and give birth to their young.
The Venues to Admire the Greatest Show in the Ocean
This unparalleled spectacle of nature that thousands of local and foreign visitors witness every year can be seen in the Pearl Archipelago, Iguana Island in Pedasi, Taboga Island, Gulf of Chiriqui, Otoque Island departing from Punta Chame, Coiba Marine Park, Cebaco Island in Veraguas. It is recommended to ensure that the guide applies good practices for sighting these giants of the sea. A tourist attraction that generates direct annual income of over 3 million (according to Wetlands International), which activates the economy and contributes to the development of the coastal communities of Panama.
The best thing is that it is possible to combine the whale watching activity with a day at the beach on one of the many paradise islands in the main whale watching spots in Panama.